Denver Developmental Screening Test Ii Pdf Files
TEST BEHAVIOR JABBERS COMBINE SYLLABLES DADA/MAMA NON-SPECIFIC IMITATE SPEECH SOUNDS SINGLE SYLLABLES WALK BACKWARDS WALK WELL STOOP AND RECOVER STAND ALONE 2 2 2 2 2 (Check boxes for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd test) Typical Yes No Compliance (See Note 31). Denver II developmental milestones. Pink floyd wish you were here full album download mp37312013 hd. Developmental screening and assessment instruments with an emphasis on social and emotional development for young children ages birth through five. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina, FPG Child Development Institute, National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center.
Abstract Norms on the Denver Developmental Screening Test (DDST) developed in Denver, Metro-Manila, Tokyo, Okinawa, and the Netherlands were compared. The ages at which each DDST item was passed by 50% of the sample groups were compared using the z statistic. Items that were attained significantly earlier, later, and around the same age by the Metro-Manila children compared to the other groups were determined. The Metro-Manila children performed similarly on the test as the Tokyo and Okinawa children on the gross motor, fine motor-adaptive, language, and personal-social sectors of the test. Denver children were advanced on all sectors. The Dutch children were advanced on all sectors except the gross motor.
The implications of the findings and the possible reasons for the differences are discussed.