Adobe Flash Cs6 Exam Questions And Answers
The questions are very tricky and really do not apply on some of them Documentaries, movies, ect. I have always worked in Broadcasting we never had adobe. Anyone remember questions from the exam that I should watch out for? You dont get to find out what you missed or the correct answers which really is frusterating.
1) What is Adobe Photoshop? It is software developed by Adobe to create and edit images and logos. By adobe photoshop adjustment and modification can be done. 2) How you can re-size the image in Photoshop? To resize the image in Photoshop you have to go into menu bar, under menu bar you will find an option “Image Size”. On clicking that option, it will open a dialog box, by which you can adjust the size of the image.
3) What is a Gradient in Adobe Photoshop? Gradients are a great way to introduce eye-catching and flashy graphics in your pages. 4) What are the Photoshop’s work areas? The Photoshop’s work area includes Application Bar, Option Bar, Panel Dock and Tools panel. 5) In Adobe Photoshop how you can print the grid? First of all you have to place the non-printing grid in a manner you want the print, and then take a screen shot.
Now, you have to open a new file and paste your screen shot image on it. Once done, you can crop the background of the Photoshop window except the image with the grid. The image is ready for print. 6) What is resizing images and what are the parameters to change the size of the picture? To suit a particular purpose of the application resizing of the images is done.
The parameters to change the size of image are: • Type of image or picture • Size of pixels • Background resolution 7) In Photoshop, what is a smart object? In Photoshop CS2 and above, it has a special layer known as Smart Object Layer. Velamma lakshmi comics torrent download. Smart objects give freedom to work with multiple copies of a single object. All the multiple copies will be updated simultaneously when single object is updated. Also, changes in the adjustment of layers and layer styles of a single object can be done without affecting the multiple copies. Without any loss in pixel, pixel based objects can be changed several times. 8) How do you organize layers in Photoshop?
A layers shows a picture or image. To organize layers in Photoshop, place various images in separate layers. Lock the unused layers and unlock the layers which are in use. When two or more layers need to be changed, unlock the layers. 9) How you can unlock the background in Photoshop? To unlock the background image, first click on the picture or image and then select MODE option.
After that, select the option GRAY SCALE and revert to LAYER. When you double click on the surface, the surface will be unlocked. 10) How do you select an exact color to match?
To sample the color as foreground color, we use the eye-dropper tool. Select the foreground color square, use the paint bucket tool or brush tool for covering the area. You can also use Clone Stamp Tool. Now use the key Alt+ and click where you want the color from and hold down the mouse button to cover up the area. 11) What is the difference between PSB (Photoshop Big) and PSD (Photoshop Document)? They both are file formats to store digital images. There is very less difference between PSB and PSD, what they differ is how they are stored and used.
PSD is a default extension for Photoshop files and it can support the file size of 30,000 by 30,000 pixels. While for creating big documents or large image.psb file format is used, and it can save an image size upto 300,000 by 300,000 pixels. 12) What is healing tool? Healing tool is used in Photoshop to hide the unwanted spots or pictures that appeared in your original picture and makes picture look like real without any changes.
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